BHA members and guests will meet at the designated parking area at 6:45 am on Feb 1st. New hunters are welcome. All you need is a valid hunting license and management area permit. Licenses and permits are available online at GoOutdoorsFlorida.com, in person at a license agent or tax collector's office or by calling toll-free 888-HUNT-FLORIDA (888-486-8356).
Never hunted before and have not completed the Hunter Safety Requirement but want to see what it is all about? Not a problem. Anyone 16 years of age or older and born June 1, 1975, or after may hunt under the supervision of a qualified hunter without having to complete the state's hunter safety certification. Hunters using this Hunter Safety Mentoring Deferral must be supervised by an adult, 21 years of age or older, who has a valid hunting license.
Hunters who purchase a hunting license using the deferral will have "Must hunt under supervision of qualified hunter age 21 or older," printed on the license. Any questions or if you need to borrow a firearm, PM the Steve Christian. Bring a field lunch and enjoy fellowship in the field.
Permit, Stamp and License Requirements - Hunting license, management area permit, migratory bird permit (if hunting migratory birds), and state waterfowl permit and federal duck stamp (if hunting waterfowl).
Legal to Hunt - Wild hog, gray squirrel, quail, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, armadillo, beaver, coyote, skunk, nutria and migratory birds in season. Bobcat and otter through March 1.
Regulations Unique to Small Game Season - Hunting with centerfire rifles is prohibited.
Trapping: Prohibited.