BHA Volunteers Help Deter Illegal ATV/OHV Use

BHA volunteers Linus Meyer and Dan Herrig worked along side the Boise NF's Emmett District Ranger (Richard Newton) and Wildlife Biologist (Dave Romero) to erect six buck and pole fences north of Ola, Idaho. The one to three span fences will block illegal, off-road vehicle use on at least 7 miles of walking and game trails. Two additional fence projects were discussed -- one to prevent off-road use in another part of the District and another to restore a valuable wetland.  The Idaho Chapter looks forward to working with other District Rangers and BLM Area Managers on similar projects.


There are plenty of volunteer opportunities out there for our members to engage themselves in, including on August 26-27 where we will need volunteers for Idaho's "Hunt Idaho Expo" in Lewiston (  

Please contact [email protected] for details on this, or future volunteer opportunities.

About Jesse Salsberry

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