BHA's Illegal Dumping Reward Fund

Our shared public lands and waters are owned by all of us - but when lawbreakers trash these lands, we all lose. No one has the right to dump their garbage on our lands, and as public land owners, it's our duty to help police these places.

To encourage good stewardship, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers offers up to a $500 reward to individuals who report information on illegal dumping that leads to a conviction.

By collecting license plate numbers, the date and location of where the dumping occurred and any photographs that could be helpful in holding those who disrespect our public lands and waters responsible, you can help keep these treasured places pristine*. Report illegal dumping to enforcement officers at the corresponding management agency (BLM, USFS, state, etc).

  1. Date, location and description of the incident - when, where, what and who you saw. Collect as many details as possible, including: GPS points, name of road or trail head, etc.
  2. Identifying photos of the dump site, the license plate of the dumpers, etc.
  3. Photos, supporting statements from other witnesses and any other documentation that you can gather

If you are interested in claiming a reward through BHA's Illegal Dumping Reward Fund Program, please send us an email with "Illegal Dumping Reward Fund" in the subject line. Please include the information listed above, in addition to details on:

  1. How your report helped lead to the conviction of the illegal dumping
  2. Name and contact information of the officer that made the conviction
  3. Status/result of prosecution (while we will accept a reward nomination before a conviction has been levied, the reward money will not be issued until after a conviction has been made and documented)

* Please get as much information as you feel comfortable with; do not risk your own safety while getting this information.


Make a tax deductible contribution to BHA's Illegal Dumping Reward Fund here.


About Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

The Voice For Our Wild Public Lands, Waters & Wildlife.

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