Take a moment to listen to Rendezvous 2019 Storyteller, South Dakota chapter board chair and ardent sportswoman Ashley Kurtenbach, who sat down with her husband Jesse and Hal in the midst of a South Dakota snow goose shoot this spring. The Kurtenbachs, along with spending an enviable amount of time afield, are committed conservationists who consistently step up to the plate for South Dakota’s public lands.
South Dakota is host to a broad swath of unique ecosystems, including segments of the famed Prairie Pothole Region, that provide incredible opportunities for big game, upland and waterfowl hunting and chronically undervalued fishing. Tied in with this diverse landscape is a murky and controversial array of public access laws, and they’re getting worse. In the last few years, South Dakotans have lost access to more than 5,000 acres of prime fishing and waterfowling waters. As leaders in the fight to maintain access, the Kurtenbachs are firm believers
in the notion that public lands advocacy in rural communities requires a unique approach to building bridges and making progress.
Don’t miss this chance to hear what it takes to start up a BHA chapter and balance grassroots conservation, a full life and consistently taking animals on public land.