Building Beaver Dam Analogs in Lambs Canyon with Wild Utah & UDWR
Oct 22 - Oct 25
Starting at 9am
Lambs Canyon - upper parking lot
Park City , UT









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event_title: Building Beaver Dam Analogs in Lambs Canyon with Wild Utah & UDWR

event_time_zone: America/Denver

event_start: October 22, 2020 09:00

event_duration: 4320

event_end: October 25, 2020 09:00

event_address: Park City , UT, United States

event_description: Join Utah BHA, Wild Utah Project wildutahproject and Utah DWR utahdwr, for volunteer field work and earn Dedicated Hunter Hours!  BHA and Wild Utah Project are joining forces in Lambs Canyon Creek on October 22nd-24th, to build Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs), which are low tech restoration tools that mimic the work of beavers to enhance riparian habitat, trap sediment, and improve coldwater trout fisheries.  BDAs are a fun way to make a tangible impact and enhance water quality, and no prior experience or training is necessary!  Please sign up ahead of time in the link provided, if you can volunteer for one of the days.  BHA is following strict COVID-19 Safety Protocol.  Free, individually wrapped lunches will be served to all volunteers on site.  Whether you love fishing the tributaries of Utahs bigger rivers or enhancing big game habitat, come lend a hand!  Volunteers must RSVP at the Wild Utah link below. Sign-up fast as we will be accepting 12 volunteers each day! provided by Mark Edgley - East Canyon Creek

Building Beaver Dam Analogs in Lambs Canyon with Wild Utah & UDWR

thumbnail.jpgJoin Utah BHA, Wild Utah Project @wildutahproject and Utah DWR @utahdwr, for volunteer field work and earn Dedicated Hunter Hours!  BHA and Wild Utah Project are joining forces in Lamb's Canyon Creek on October 22nd-24th, to build Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs), which are low tech restoration tools that mimic the work of beavers to enhance riparian habitat, trap sediment, and improve coldwater trout fisheries.  BDAs are a fun way to make a tangible impact and enhance water quality, and no prior experience or training is necessary!  Please sign up ahead of time in the link provided, if you can volunteer for one of the days.  BHA is following strict COVID-19 Safety Protocol.  Free, individually wrapped lunches will be served to all volunteers on site.  Whether you love fishing the tributaries of Utah's bigger rivers or enhancing big game habitat, come lend a hand!  

Volunteers must RSVP at the Wild Utah link below. Sign-up fast as we will be accepting 12 volunteers each day!

Image provided by Mark Edgley - East Canyon Creek

October 22, 2020 at 9:00am - October 25, 2020
Lambs Canyon - upper parking lot
Park City , UT
United States
Google map and directions
Melissa Early ·