On the weekend of May 4th and 5th, 2024, the Arizona Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is excited to host our newest event, Angling for Conservation!
This is a family-friendly fishing, camping, and volunteer event at Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood, Arizona. Our chapter of BHA is hosting this event to support the work of the Upper Verde Wild & Scenic Coalition. Protecting the upper portion of the Verde River is important for all Arizonans, and we invite anyone interested to come hear about the Wild & Scenic designation we are fighting for.
Attendees are welcome to camp in the Raven Loop group campground for the night, so we can enjoy the best hours of the great fishing that the lagoons and river access this state park has to offer. Camping is free for all those who RSVP, and space is limited. Campsites can accommodate 6 people and 1 vehicle each, so feel free to bring your family or fishing buddies to join in on the fun. Check-in begins at 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 4th, and all must leave by 2:00 pm on Sunday, May 5th. There are no RV hookups at these sites. Everyone who plans to fish needs a valid fishing license, and to bring their rods, reels, and tackle. No meals are provided at the event.
Later in the morning of Sunday, May 5th, Dead Horse Ranch rangers have a volunteer project planned to help bolster the banks of the Verde River after severe flooding last summer. A minimal skill level is needed for this project, and people can help in a variety of ways. All attendees who volunteer will receive a free raffle ticket for some sweet fishing gear, and the winner of the raffle will be announced shortly after. BHA merchandise will also be available for purchase.
RSVPs for this event are now closed and campsite space is limited. For last minut participation please reach out to event lead Kyle Short at [email protected].