American Catch: The Fight for Our Local Seafood by Paul Greenberg

This title is part of BHA's Jim Posewitz Digital Library: Required Reading for Conservationists


I’ve read both of Greenberg’s popular books: American Catch and Four Fish. What I like best about American Catch is that it deals not only with the problem of conservation but also the issue of what we eat. The book discusses everything from New York oysters and the destruction of their habitat to the topic of salmon in Alaska and the Pebble Mine and Bristol Bay debacle.

American Catch is an enjoyable and entertaining read that effectively dives into the topic of conservation, the locavore movement and, perhaps most importantly, speaks directly to the reader about food choice. Why are we eating farmed tilapia from south-east Asia and exporting all our wild caught salmon and tuna? This book made me question the sourcing of seafood I ate and influenced me to become more involved in catching my own or purchasing local.

-AARON PEARSON, BHA member from Lemoore, California


Purchase American Catch on Amazon Smile, and register Backcountry Hunters & Anglers as your preferred non-profit to give back to your wild public lands, waters and wildlife. 

About Zack Williams

Backcountry Journal editor

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