3rd Annual Sportsman’s Volunteer Day in Gunnison, CO
July 15
Starting at 9am
Centennial State Wildlife Area









6 Attending

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event_title: 3rd Annual Sportsman’s Volunteer Day in Gunnison, CO

event_time_zone: America/Denver

event_start: July 15, 2023 09:00

event_duration: 300

event_end: July 15, 2023 14:00

event_address: Gunnison 81230, United States

event_description: The use of low tech "stick and stone" structures for restoring degraded riparian systems is a growing field of wildlife and restoration ecology. During this volunteer event, participants will get hands-on experience in the field of Low-tech Process-Base Restoration (LTPBR) by assisting with the construction of Zeedyk rock structures to prevent excessive erosion and enhance wet meadows and small-scale streams within the sagebrush community on Centennial SWA (Gunnison, Colorado) Participants will learn more about the ongoing collaborative efforts of the Gunnison Basin Wet Meadow Restoration and Resiliency Building (WMRRB) project, which is a public-private partnership to implement on-the-ground climate change adaptation strategies. A main focus of the WMRRB project is to enhance brood-rearing and summer-fall habitats for the threatened Gunnison sage-grouse and improve big game winter/spring habitat.Participants please RSVP……………………….capping at 25 volunteersWhat to bring:BootsLeather glovesLong sleeve shirt and full length pants ideal (protection from abrasion)Water/drinksSnacks Where to go:Centennial SWA – Gunnison CountyFrom Gunnison, go ~11 miles west on U.S.50, then north (right) on the dirt access road into the east parking lot.  The CPW sign in the parking lot can be seen from the hwy.  If you get to Stevens Creek Campground you have gone too far.  

3rd Annual Sportsman’s Volunteer Day in Gunnison, CO

The use of low tech "stick and stone" structures for restoring degraded riparian systems is a growing field of wildlife and restoration ecology. During this volunteer event, participants will get hands-on experience in the field of Low-tech Process-Base Restoration (LTPBR) by assisting with the construction of Zeedyk rock structures to prevent excessive erosion and enhance wet meadows and small-scale streams within the sagebrush community on Centennial SWA (Gunnison, Colorado)


Participants will learn more about the ongoing collaborative efforts of the Gunnison Basin Wet Meadow Restoration and Resiliency Building (WMRRB) project, which is a public-private partnership to implement on-the-ground climate change adaptation strategies. A main focus of the WMRRB project is to enhance brood-rearing and summer-fall habitats for the threatened Gunnison sage-grouse and improve big game winter/spring habitat.

Participants please RSVP……………………….capping at 25 volunteers

What to bring:

  • Boots
  • Leather gloves
  • Long sleeve shirt and full length pants ideal (protection from abrasion)
  • Water/drinks
  • Snacks


Where to go:

Centennial SWA – Gunnison County

From Gunnison, go ~11 miles west on U.S.50, then north (right) on the dirt access road into the east parking lot.  The CPW sign in the parking lot can be seen from the hwy.  If you get to Stevens Creek Campground you have gone too far.



July 15, 2023 at 9:00am - 2pm
Centennial State Wildlife Area
Gunnison 81230
United States
Google map and directions
John Chandler ·
Collin Hildebrand Derek Pankratz Les Mikkelsen John Chandler Raina Baldwin

Who's RSVPing

Collin Hildebrand
Derek Pankratz
Les Mikkelsen
John Chandler
Raina Baldwin

Will you come?