RSVPs for this event are now closed. To inquire about helping out this weekend,
contact Katie DeLorenzo at [email protected].
We need your help to improve habitat permeability and connectivity for pronghorn on the Rita Blanca National Grasslands! Join us June 2-4 for a chapter campout and work project that will have a lasting positive impact on this vital shortgrass prairie ecosystem.
Volunteers will work alongside USFS staff to verify or raise the bottom wire of allotment fencing and remove tumbleweeds from the fenceline to allow pronghorn to more easily traverse the grasslands. This work will enable pronghorn to access the food, water, space and cover they need to survive. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of the shortgrass prairie ecosystem from USFS staff. This event is kid friendly (with the supervision of a parent/guardian).
Participants may show up Friday evening or early Saturday. Camping is free. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Saturday and we will have a wild game potluck that evening as we share stories around the campfire. A limited number of gas stipends will be available to volunteers as funding permits, with preference given to those volunteers traveling longer distances. Each volunteer will receive a limited edition Grassland Stewardship Camp Cup!
Weekend Schedule
Friday 6/2 Arrive to camp
Saturday 6/3 Workday, wild game potluck and campfire stories at night
Sunday 6/4 Optional workday until 12 pm
Campsite - Thompson Grove Picnic Site: 1/2 mile west on Thompson Grove Lane from FM 296 (Lat: 36.41532, Long: -102.80585). There is a vault toilet but no potable water at this location. There is ample space for campers and tents.
What to Bring: Volunteers should wear appropriate work clothing including sun protection and wear leather boots and gloves, food, snacks, water, first aid, required medications and communications devices.
Positive Impact: Since beginning this work on the New Mexico side of the grasslands in 2021 our BHA chapters in New Mexico and Texas have modified or verified 74.6 miles of fenceline, , converted 0.2 miles of exclosure fence from two barbed bottom wires on a 5-wire fence to one smooth wire on the bottom, converted 1.5 miles of barbed wire fence to smooth bottom wire and effectively improved 34,828.5 acres or 54.38 square miles of habitat.