Raised $40,000 towards Minam Wildlife Area Acquisition
2022 Conservation Projects; Blue Mtn Trail Maintenance, All Hands All Brands Habitat Fencing, Hope for Habitat Sage and Bitterbrush planting and seeding.
Engaged on Wildlife Inventory map updates for Deschutes County
Active member in the Oregon Sportsmen Conservation Partnership
- First Cut and Cook Event incoordination with FINEX
Actively working on additional funding mechanisms for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to increase restoration and wildlife conservation efforts across the stat
Completed educational and informational virtual and in-person events focused on issues and topics relevant to hunters and anglers in Oregon.
- Supported Fiscal Year 2023 Operations and Maintenance Funding for the U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System
- Support for Neil Creek Fish and Wildlife Passage Design Project
- Support for BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program Funding
- Support for America the Beautiful Ungulate Migration Projects
- Support for Sutton Mountain Public Land Protection