The New York Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is focused on bringing BHA's proven approaches to conserving New York's wild places and rich outdoor heritage. We are concerned with tackling issues facing our home state, as well as taking part in the larger cultural conversation regarding America's public lands, wildlife management, and the place of the outdoorsmen in modern society. We strive to shine a positive light on American wildlife and land conservation and provide an inclusive medium for spreading our message and bringing people into the fold. We also believe that it is our responsibility to pass on our love and knowledge of the outdoors to others in order to perpetuate our country’s amazing system
New York has a strong history of conservation, as well as some of the best hunting and fishing in North America. The world-renowned Adirondack Mountains kindled the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt, who went on to establish a transformative movement that guided America to a new paradigm for managing and conserving our wilderness. At the core of that paradigm are hunters and anglers, each kindled by beloved wild places and pursuits.
New York BHA aims to carry on that legacy by providing bold, science-driven conservation leadership led by hunters and anglers, and to benefit residents of New York and beyond. To ensure high-quality wildlife habitat, we stand for proper, sustainable management and protection of the lands and waters that give New Yorkers the opportunity to peacefully cast a fly to sipping trout or slip through the November deer woods.
New York’s backcountry is here for us to ply our traditional ways and ours to protect for the future. Through sustaining that wilderness, we sustain ourselves.
Please contact us to get involved in New York BHA!
Keep up with chapter activities through our Facebook Group and Instagram.