The Time is Now: Support the Rocky Mountain Front

Montana's Rocky Mountain Front offers some of the finest big game habitat in North America.  Backcountry Hunters & Anglers agree that we need a common sense plan to keep the front the way it is for today and tomorrow.


BHA Sportsmen Thank Senator Max Baucus: Watch

 Take a Tour of The Front


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Now it’s your turn.

On March 22nd , the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act gets its day before Congress with a hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Sen. Max Baucus is asking for your input. Please take the time to send in personal comments and include the activities you enjoy in the Front. The deadline for public comment is April 5th, 2012.

Here are a few important points to remind lawmakers back in Washington, D.C.

Made in Montana

Working together, hunters and anglers worked with ranchers, outfitters, business folks and conservationists listened to come up with a commonsense plan for conserving this special piece of habitat.

Big Game needs Big Country

From grizzlies to mountain goats, bighorn to mule deer, the Front has it all. Big, unbroken habitat means healthy big game herds and longer hunting seasons. And keeping the Front just the way it is means the next generation of Montana hunters will have the same access and opportunity we have today.

Best Defense is a Good Offense

Change is coming to this rugged, but fragile, landscape. That's why the Heritage Act protects core habitat as wilderness, prevents the expansion of off-road vehicle routes while protecting current access, and puts a focus on preventing the spread of weeds.

Watch the hearing from your desktop

The hearing will be webcast live Thursday, March 22nd, 2012 at 12:30     MDT

And Don't Forget: Max Wants to Hear From You

Max is holding the Congressional record open for two weeks so that all Montanans have an opportunity to make their voices heard.


I am proud to sponsor the Rocky Mountain Heritage Act. It's a homegrown, made-in-Montana plan that is the result of a lot of folks across the state (who don't always necessarily see eye-to-eye) working together to protect our ranching and hunting opportunities along the Front for generations to come.” 

–Senator Max Baucus

E-mail, fax, or mail your written comments for the Congressional record. Please include your name and address:

All testimony must be received by April 5, 2012

About Caitlin Thompson