The Wyoming Chapter has had a busy summer and fall, finding ways to develop and implement chapter priorities despite the unique challenges of this year. In the last few months, the Wyoming board has brought on some great new leaders and has begun to implement some exciting campaigns to strengthen public land access, among other priority issues identified through an intensive chapter strategic planning process. The time and effort our WY chapter leaders have dedicated to the future of WY BHA has been truly impressive, and because of everybody's hard work, they're as strong as they've ever been.
In the last few months WY BHA has organized a trail project, clearing 4 miles of blowdown. They've organized three fence removal projects to benefit wildlife habitat connectivity. They've organized two CWD events in partnership with Wyoming Game and Fish and Weatherby to demonstrate field sample collection techniques and educate hunters on the best available science and importance of data collection from hunters. They've hosted a wildlife butchering workshop to introduce new hunters to proper care, cuts and storage of game meat. And they've donated $1,500 to Access Yes, a program that provides over 2.8 million acres of access to Wyoming hunters and anglers. Finally, as part of our Public Lands Pack Out Campaign, the WY Chapter has led three trash pickups that have helped rid our public lands of more than 3,000 pounds of garbage.
The Wyoming leadership team has some very exciting campaigns that they are moving forward right now. They're looking for members who are interested in joining the leadership team, getting more involved, and taking action on behalf of our public lands, waters and wildlife. If you'd like to learn more about their recent efforts check out their most recent newsletter, and if you'd like to get involved please reach out here.