Wyoming BHA Response to House Bill 99

The Wyoming Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA) has long advocated for sportsmen’s and women’s ability to access public lands via corner crossing—the act of moving between adjoining public parcels at their corners. While we appreciate the intent of House Bill 99 to clarify legal ambiguities, we encourage lawmakers to address issues in its current draft to ensure it protects public access without creating unintended consequences.

Wyoming BHA secured a significant victory two years ago by ensuring hunters could not be criminally prosecuted for legally corner crossing under the hunter trespass statute. This has been critical in preserving public land access while respecting private property rights. HB 99 offers an opportunity to clarify criminal trespass laws to prevent inappropriate prosecutions of those who corner cross legally under criminal law.

We look forward to working with bill sponsors and the Wyoming Legislature to ensure no hunter is ever threatened with criminal prosecution for enjoying their legal and Constitutional right to access public land.

About Bryan Jones

Regional Policy Coordinator (CO, MT, WY)