WY Chapter Donates $3,000 to Access Yes


The Wyoming Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers presented the Wyoming Game and Fish with a check for $3000 in support of the Access Yes Program. The check was presented at the July Commission meeting in Rock Springs Wyoming. Game and Fish Director Brian Nesvik, and Commission President David Rael recognized the Wyoming Chapter for its continued support of the Access Yes program.

The Access Yes program provided access to 2,670,173 acres of land in Wyoming in 2018 for hunting as well as 4,006 lake acres and 86 miles of stream for walk in fishing. The program issued over 27,000 permission slips for hunting to 16,077 individual hunters.

The Wyoming chapter would like to thank the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the private land owners that participate, for the success of the Access Yes program. We remain committed to providing support any way we can to enhance this amazing program.

About Buzz Hettick

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