Wellington Pint Night
June 5
Starting at 6pm
Soul Squared Brewing Co
Wellington, CO









17 Attending

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event_title: Wellington Pint Night

event_time_zone: America/Denver

event_start: June 05, 2019 18:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: June 05, 2019 21:00

event_address: 3740 Cleveland Ave, Wellington, CO 80549, United States

event_description: Join us on Wednesday, June 5th for a public land pint night in Wellington! We will be celebrating our new members, public lands, waters, and wildlife. You will have a chance to hear from your chapter leaders, get important updates about how you can get involved locally, and share a beer with friends.BHAs strength comes from our members, and events like this help us to grow our strength to advocate more effectively for our collective values. Whether we are advocating for better stream access, public land access, or for protecting migration corridors and critical wildlife habitat - its our members that make the difference. The more individuals we have willing to put their boots on the ground, to share their voices, and stand up for our public lands, waters, and wildlife the more capable of defending these values we become. So see you there!

Wellington Pint Night

Join us on Wednesday, June 5th for a public land pint night in Wellington! We will be celebrating our new members, public lands, waters, and wildlife. You will have a chance to hear from your chapter leaders, get important updates about how you can get involved locally, and share a beer with friends.

BHA's strength comes from our members, and events like this help us to grow our strength to advocate more effectively for our collective values. Whether we are advocating for better stream access, public land access, or for protecting migration corridors and critical wildlife habitat - it's our members that make the difference. The more individuals we have willing to put their boots on the ground, to share their voices, and stand up for our public lands, waters, and wildlife the more capable of defending these values we become. 

So see you there!

June 05, 2019 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Soul Squared Brewing Co
3740 Cleveland Ave
Wellington, CO 80549
United States
Google map and directions
Justin Cross ·
Mark McLean Chad Smith Micheal Grabinger Chad Slagle Nick Ross George Moore Chris Olson William Lueth Jenna Merritt Cameron Hunter

Who's RSVPing

Sean Fallon
Micheal Grabinger
Nick Ross
Chris Olson
William Lueth
Jenna Merritt
Cameron Hunter

Will you come?