Weatherby Youth Silver Life Membership
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Weatherby Youth Silver Life Membership $1,000

Become a life member at the silver $1,000 level and receive a Weatherby Vanguard Synthetic Compact rifle. The adjustable stock makes it the perfect rifle for a young hunter. Your Life Member contribution will make a difference helping BHA protect public land and waters for future generations to enjoy. 



  • Weatherby Vanguard Synthetic Compact rifle (included with $1,000 Silver Life Membership) 
  • Backcountry Journal subscription, which is published four times a year and features stories on conservation, hunting, fishing, habitat improvement projects, environmental issues, legislative action and other outdoor interests.
  • Backcountry Hunters & Anglers window decal
  • Exclusive opportunities for life members
  • Invitations to local chapter banquets and events
  • Monthly Backcountry Beat eNewsletter


Key rifle features:

The removable elongated spacer to adjust length of pull(12½” to 135/8″) makes a perfect rifle for the young hunter in your family.

Available in 243 Win., 308 Win, 6.5 Creedmoor and 7mm-08 Rem.


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