Washington Beaver Relocation Project (Winthrop)
September 29
Starting at 8am
Winthrop Barn
Winthrop, WA









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event_title: Washington Beaver Relocation Project (Winthrop)

event_time_zone: America/Los_Angeles

event_start: September 29, 2018 08:00

event_duration: 480

event_end: September 29, 2018 16:00

event_address: 51 WA-20, Winthrop, WA 98862, United States

event_description: Beavers were once numerous across the west but are now absent from many of the streams they historically inhabited – to the detriment of other wildlife, fish, and stream quality.  The Methow Valley Beaver Project works to improve stream quality and habitat by trapping and removing nuisance beavers from private property and relocating them to streams higher up in the watershed on public lands. Volunteers are needed to help pack beavers into a remote release site in the beautiful Methow Valley. Join the Washington chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and help beavers thrive once again in the backcountry!We will meet at 8am on September 29th at the Winthrop Barn (51 WA-20, Winthrop, WA).  People should be prepared to hike with weighted pack, and to be out for much of the day. The group size is limited to 12 people.  Please contact Carmen Vanbianchi to reserve your spot: cvanbianchigmail.com

Washington Beaver Relocation Project (Winthrop)

Beavers were once numerous across the west but are now absent from many of the streams they historically inhabited – to the detriment of other wildlife, fish, and stream quality. 


The Methow Valley Beaver Project works to improve stream quality and habitat by trapping and removing nuisance beavers from private property and relocating them to streams higher up in the watershed on public lands. Volunteers are needed to help pack beavers into a remote release site in the beautiful Methow Valley. Join the Washington chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and help beavers thrive once again in the backcountry!

We will meet at 8am on September 29th at the Winthrop Barn (51 WA-20, Winthrop, WA).  
People should be prepared to hike with weighted pack, and to be out for much of the day. 

The group size is limited to 12 people.  Please contact Carmen Vanbianchi to reserve your spot: [email protected]

September 29, 2018 at 8:00am - 4pm
Winthrop Barn
51 WA-20
Winthrop, WA 98862
United States
Google map and directions
Carmen Vanbianchi ·