February 15, 2020, Brandon, VT-
Vermont members of BHA, along with a few new friends, met to celebrate public lands at Red Clover Ale Co. There were tales of turkeys, tracking bucks, big brown trout and snowshoe hares along with toasts to our Green Mountain National Forest, VT F&W WMAs and local town forests.
With one of these local town forests on the line on Town Meeting Day, local BHAers were there to get the word out to vote ‘No’ to the sale of land owned by the people of the Town of Proctor. Vermonters are lucky to have as much access to land as we do, but we can’t stand to lose any of it. With the work of members of groups like BHA and our many partners, we’re hoping to hold on to these 1,600 acres of public ground for generations down the road.
Photo by Chris Ingram