The Vermont Team of the New England Chapter will be doing a Maintenance Day at Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday, March 8th removing brush to the West Branch Dam to maintain the dam's structural integrity. Roughly 400 ft of brush still needs to be removed from last year's maintenance day. The dam creates an 80-acre pond known for its waterfowl hunting and fishing. We will also remove an old barbwire fence to create a safe travel corridor for wildlife. Bring gloves, wire cutters, loppers, handsaws, and brush saws if you have them, if you don’t we will have extras. Anyone bringing a chainsaw must also bring full personal protective equipment; chainsaw chaps, hearing protection, chainsaw helmet, eye protection, and gloves are required in order to use the chainsaw. For lunch, we will be cooking up some hamburgers to say thank you to those who helped out. The address listed below will get you to the entrance to the area. We will meet at the parking area back by the dam off of RT17 at 44.075683, -73.351341.
If you cannot make this event but still want to help, consider making a donation to BHA HERE.