This September, BHA is launching a Public Land Pale Ale across the country and Urban Lodge Brewing is one of the many breweries participating. The brewer, Max Dougan has invited the New England BHA team to join in on the process right from the beginning by helping brew the beer! Join us Saturday, August 17, at the Urban Lodge Brewing in Manchester, CT (at the production facility, not the taproom) to take part in a great time!.
Max will brew a 20 barrel (620 gallon) batch of the beer and will be happy to talk beer, brewing, etc. with anyone interested in learning as you help out making the Public Land Pale Ale. The beer will be released in September to celebrate National Public Lands Day!
More importantly, this is a great excuse to get together with BHA folks, have a beer, talk fall plans, discuss conservation issues- whatever!
A brew day will start at 9:00am and will be about 8 hours start to finish. Come by for the day, half day, a few minutes, whatever you want. They have a big warehouse, plenty of space and parking. If you are making a long drive, maybe you want to work in a hike, a trip to one of our local trout streams, hit the shoreline, or camp out in a State Forest.