Upstate Bushy Tails Squirrel Hunt and Trash Pickup
February 8
Starting at 6:30am
Sumter National Forest
Clinton, SC









16 Attending

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event_title: Upstate Bushy Tails Squirrel Hunt and Trash Pickup

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: February 08, 2025 06:30

event_duration: 390

event_end: February 08, 2025 13:00

event_address: 4796 Ridge Rd, Clinton, SC 29178, United States

event_description: Lets go squirrel hunting! Bring the whole family out and join SC Chapter Leaders on a fantastic day in the woods!  We will be meeting up at 06:30 at the meetup location (34.5404, -81.7610), and after a quick safety brief we will begin our squirrel hunt. As we make our way through the woods, we will pick up any trash we see. Folks will hunt until 11:30, and then meet back up at the parking location to begin our main trash pickup. We will assign everyone a general area for cleanup to maximize coverage. Trash bags will be provided, but bring your own gloves, hunting equipment, and snacks. Hunter Orange will be required throughout the event, but it will be family/kid friendly with no special skills or fitness level required.RSVP so that we know youre coming, and we cant wait to see ya there! 

Upstate Bushy Tails Squirrel Hunt and Trash Pickup

Let's go squirrel hunting! Bring the whole family out and join SC Chapter Leaders on a fantastic day in the woods! 


We will be meeting up at 06:30 at the meetup location (34.5404, -81.7610), and after a quick safety brief we will begin our squirrel hunt.

As we make our way through the woods, we will pick up any trash we see. Folks will hunt until 11:30, and then meet back up at the parking location to begin our main trash pickup. We will assign everyone a general area for cleanup to maximize coverage. Trash bags will be provided, but bring your own gloves, hunting equipment, and snacks.

Hunter Orange will be required throughout the event, but it will be family/kid friendly with no special skills or fitness level required.

RSVP so that we know you're coming, and we can't wait to see ya there! 

February 08, 2025 at 6:30am - 1pm
Sumter National Forest
4796 Ridge Rd
Clinton, SC 29178
United States
Google map and directions
Chris Bocchino ·
Jimmy DiTraglia Dan Thompson Li Carter Drew Tripp David Ebinger Lee Byrd Wayne Pike Billy Dalton Christopher Bocchino

Who's RSVPing

Jimmy DiTraglia
Dan Thompson
Li Carter
Drew Tripp
David Ebinger
Lee Byrd
Wayne Pike
Billy Dalton
Christopher Bocchino

Will you come?