TX AFI San Antonio Pint Night
July 23
Starting at 5pm
Longtab Brewing
San Antonio , TX









19 Attending

Add to Calendar:

event_title: TX AFI San Antonio Pint Night

event_time_zone: America/Chicago

event_start: July 23, 2024 17:00

event_duration: 120

event_end: July 23, 2024 19:00

event_address: 4700 Timco West Suite 105 , San Antonio , TX 78238, United States

event_description: Why You Should Want to Attend:The Armed Forces Initiative is the BHA program focused on creating conservationists within the military community. Enjoy an awesome venue and discuss hunting, fishing, and the AFI mission.  Meet and Greet with Texas AFI members and ramp up for 2024 hunting season.  Come and learn how you can get involved.What is it:A Pint Night is an opportunity for members and those curious about BHA and AFI to get together, socialize, interact, introduce BHA and AFI, and talk about hunting and fishing.Come learn about 2024-2025 hunting opportunities aboard JBSA-Camp Bullis. Understand the unique considerations to hunt productively on this DoD installation and be better prepared with your bow or shotgun come fall. Attendees can expect to learn:- what BHA is- what AFI is- what the planned events for the upcoming year are- and more... When is it:July 23rd 2024 starting at 5pm Where is it:Longtab Brewing Company4700 Timco West Suite 105,San Antonio, TX 78238Who can attend:- This event is open to all members of the military community(Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, Veterans, and Gold Star families)- and anyone looking to support veterans and conservation!- You do not need to be a BHA member to attend (but we sure would appreciate it if you were)  For any questions, please contact Ken Huxtable txafibackcountryhunters.org orAFI_SkillsbridgeBackcountryhunters.org

TX AFI San Antonio Pint Night

Why You Should Want to Attend:

The Armed Forces Initiative is the BHA program focused on creating conservationists within the military community. Enjoy an awesome venue and discuss hunting, fishing, and the AFI mission.  Meet and Greet with Texas AFI members and ramp up for 2024 hunting season.  Come and learn how you can get involved.

What is it:

A Pint Night is an opportunity for members and those curious about BHA and AFI to get together, socialize, interact, introduce BHA and AFI, and talk about hunting and fishing.

Come learn about 2024-2025 hunting opportunities aboard JBSA-Camp Bullis. Understand the unique considerations to hunt productively on this DoD installation and be better prepared with your bow or shotgun come fall.


Attendees can expect to learn:

- what BHA is

- what AFI is

- what the planned events for the upcoming year are

- and more...


When is it:

July 23rd 2024 starting at 5pm


Where is it:

Longtab Brewing Company

4700 Timco West Suite 105,

San Antonio, TX 78238

Who can attend:

- This event is open to all members of the military community

(Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, Veterans, and Gold Star families)

- and anyone looking to support veterans and conservation!

- You do not need to be a BHA member to attend 

(but we sure would appreciate it if you were)



For any questions, please contact Ken Huxtable @

[email protected]


[email protected]

July 23, 2024 at 5:00pm - 7pm
Longtab Brewing
4700 Timco West Suite 105
San Antonio , TX 78238
United States
Google map and directions
Ken Huxtable ·
Ryan Speck Ernesto Argueta Rick Langlois Martin Vara Ken Huxtable

Who's RSVPing

Ryan Speck
Ernesto Argueta
Rick Langlois
Martin Vara
Ken Huxtable

Will you come?