There are many potential barriers to becoming a hunter in Texas. Some of them perceived, yet some are very real. Despite these challenges, hunter recruitment is an important priority for TX BHA, especially the recruitment of conservation-minded hunters like ourselves. With that said, research has shown that mentored hunting programs that target adults, rather than youth, are most efficient at achieving increased hunter participation rates. Given the passion, expertise, and motivation of our chapter leaders and members and our commitment to a conservation ethic, we feel that we can help!
TX BHA is proud to announce that we’ve been collaborating with Texas Wildlife Association’s youth hunting program (TYHP) to develop an adult mentored-hunting program and we're calling it Hunting for Sustainability. This program will entail 3 components: (I) classroom education, (II) weapon safety, handling, and proficiency, and (III) mentored hunts (1:1 volunteer guide to hunter ratio) for various game species. Although we still have much work to do to get this program up and running, we're on track to host our first hunts this fall.
If you aspire to become an “adult-onset hunter” and are interested in participating in this program, stay tuned to our website, email blasts, and social media platforms. We’ll announce details in the coming months.
Alternatively, if you have a passion for helping others enjoy the many benefits (and struggles) that come with hunting and would like to participate in further developing and/or implementing this program, we’d love the help. There are 2 primary ways in which we can use your help. If any of these appeals to you, please let us know!
Host Mentored Hunts on Property You Own or Manage
One obvious necessity of a program such as this is the need for a place to actually hunt. Although we will absolutely utilize public lands & waters, private property access will be essential to make this program a success by allowing us to hold more hunts and accept more participants. Landowners can be as much (or as little) involved in the actual hunt as they choose and would be covered by the same insurance policy that TWA offers to their enrollees. If you own or manage property and would be willing to allow TX BHA to host hunts for any game species, especially deer ('does only policy' is more than sufficient), hogs, turkey, waterfowl, or even small game, or would like more information, please email our program coordinator, Travis Thon ([email protected]).
Be a Volunteer Guide
Mentored hunts, of course, require mentors. We're looking for folks who "know their way around the woods". Although we're not necessarily looking for experts, we are looking for folks who know what it takes to successfully harvest game. If you are proficient at finding, scouting, calling (e.g., turkeys), or whatever else it might take for a particular species, and would be happy to share your knowledge in a 1 on 1 setting while actually hunting, please consider this opportunity.
If you are interested in acting as a guide for TX BHA's mentored hunt program, please email the program coordinator, Travis Thon ([email protected]), and state which species you feel comfortable guiding for (and any other relevant information). We'll get you added to our guide list and provide you with more information as the program continues to develop.
We hope you'll consider making Hunting for Sustainability a success. If you have any questions about the program or want to get involved, please email Travis Thon ([email protected]).
And as always, thank you for supporting TX BHA!
Texas BHA