Taylorsville Lake Spring Pollinator Habitat Project
February 22
Starting at 9am
Taylorsville Lake WMA
Taylorsville, KY









12 Attending

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event_title: Taylorsville Lake Spring Pollinator Habitat Project

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: February 22, 2025 09:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: February 22, 2025 12:00

event_address: 1584 Overlook Rd, Taylorsville, KY 40071, United States

event_description: All wildlife benefits from native habitat restoration which provides security, nesting grounds, and diverse food sources. In addition, nest and fawn predation has been shown to greatly decrease with high quality native cover. All of this is reason why you should join us on February 22nd from 9am to noon for our Spring habitat improvement day at Taylorsville Lake Wildlife Management Area.Spring and time to plant some seeds. Join KDFWR and other volunteers from the Kentucky Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and help us pack in seed for seeding specific areas identified by KDFWR that will have the best chance for seed growth. Some of these areas do have vehicle access, but there are also areas to seed that are not accessible by vehicle.Seed for this project includes; American Senna, Bergamot, Black Eyed Susan, Blue Vervain, Common Milkweed, Compass Plant, Grey Headed Coneflower, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Mexican Hat, Partridge Pea, Plains Coreopsis, Prairie Blazing Star, Purple Coneflower, Ragweed, Rattlesnake Master, Spiked Blazing Star, Spotted Bee Balm and Little Bluestem.Another benefit of planting these seeds is to help increase the fuel load for future burns. When these grasses and plants burn, they will open up the forest canopy more and assist in the future development of oak savannas and overall hardwood forest development.The last element of this project will be installing bird boxes that have already been constructed. These birdhouses will offer nesting and roosting for a vast variety of native song birds and will hopefully be used in the future for data collection and monitoring.As if all of this wasn’t great enough, when it’s all over, we will be going to a local spot for a chance to relax and grab a beer or two after all the hard work is done. Everyone knows a beer tastes better after a day of hard work. Who knows, you may even leave with a new turkey hunting buddy or two. Location will be determined as we draw closer to the event. So, come out, join the fun and help make our public lands that much better by doing some habitat improvement for the wildlife that we cherish so much. We will be meeting at the Wildlife Management Office at 9am for this project.RSVP so we know youre coming, and we will see ya there! 

Taylorsville Lake Spring Pollinator Habitat Project

All wildlife benefits from native habitat restoration which provides security, nesting grounds, and diverse food sources. In addition, nest and fawn predation has been shown to greatly decrease with high quality native cover. All of this is reason why you should join us on February 22nd from 9am to noon for our Spring habitat improvement day at Taylorsville Lake Wildlife Management Area.

Spring and time to plant some seeds. Join KDFWR and other volunteers from the Kentucky Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and help us pack in seed for seeding specific areas identified by KDFWR that will have the best chance for seed growth. Some of these areas do have vehicle access, but there are also areas to seed that are not accessible by vehicle.

Seed for this project includes; American Senna, Bergamot, Black Eyed Susan, Blue Vervain, Common Milkweed, Compass Plant, Grey Headed Coneflower, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Mexican Hat, Partridge Pea, Plains Coreopsis, Prairie Blazing Star, Purple Coneflower, Ragweed, Rattlesnake Master, Spiked Blazing Star, Spotted Bee Balm and Little Bluestem.

Another benefit of planting these seeds is to help increase the fuel load for future burns. When these grasses and plants burn, they will open up the forest canopy more and assist in the future development of oak savannas and overall hardwood forest development.

The last element of this project will be installing bird boxes that have already been constructed. These birdhouses will offer nesting and roosting for a vast variety of native song birds and will hopefully be used in the future for data collection and monitoring.

As if all of this wasn’t great enough, when it’s all over, we will be going to a local spot for a chance to relax and grab a beer or two after all the hard work is done. Everyone knows a beer tastes better after a day of hard work. Who knows, you may even leave with a new turkey hunting buddy or two. Location will be determined as we draw closer to the event. So, come out, join the fun and help make our public lands that much better by doing some habitat improvement for the wildlife that we cherish so much. We will be meeting at the Wildlife Management Office at 9am for this project.

RSVP so we know you're coming, and we will see ya there! 

February 22, 2025 at 9:00am - 12pm
Taylorsville Lake WMA
1584 Overlook Rd
Taylorsville, KY 40071
United States
Google map and directions
Derek Towles ·
Josh Rinkel Bryan Sorrows Joel Cowen Dan Hood Derek Towles Dan Douglas

Who's RSVPing

Josh Rinkel
Bryan Sorrows
Joel Cowen
Dan Hood
Derek Towles
Dan Douglas

Will you come?