Support Science-Based Wildlife Management in Arizona

The Arizona Chapter has recently been working to gather information regarding the Arizona Game & Fish Department’s Proposed Hunt Guidelines. This comment period and process has been making the rounds on Social Media due to some groups efforts to submit comments that go against traditional hunting practices and against proper scientific management of the state’s wildlife. Specifically as it relates to mountain lion, bear, and bobcat hunting.

While the proposed guidelines make no mention of limiting these activities, it is important for hunters to be a part of the process and re-inforce the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation principles of science based wildlife management any chance they get so as not to be left out of the discussion or to let outside influence sway these critical decisions.

A link to the proposed guidelines can be found here (changes marked in red). 

As a chapter, we support the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and its principles of having state wildlife agencies manage the wildlife to the best of their ability with a sound scientific approach separate from emotion or outside influences. We believe the current recommendations accomplish this goal.

We encourage all hunters and anglers to be plugged in to the process that the state agencies utilize to manage a sustainable population of all game animals. We need to take ownership of what is in the best interest of the wildlife and our traditional practices before others do it for us.

Click here to read the letter submitted on behalf of AZBHA and its members and supporters to AZGFD. 



About Justin I Nelson

“We have not inherited the earth from our fathers, we are borrowing it from our children.” - Lester Brown.

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