The Georgia Chapter supports the No Net Loss Bill currently working its way through the Georgia legislature. House Bill 1349 would amend the Official Code of Georgia Annotated to prevent any net loss of acreage available for hunting on state-owned land managed by the Department of Natural Resources. The current code requires that there shall be no net loss of acreage available for hunting based on state lands managed by DNR as of 2005. The proposed legislation would update that baseline to state-owned lands available for hunting as of 2022.
The Georgia Chapter Board supports this bill because it seeks to limit the loss of public lands available for hunters. If the bill passes, any public land lost to hunting will be offset by the acquisition of new lands accessible to hunters. Numerous states, including Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois and Louisiana have used similar bills to protect our hunting heritage. HB 1349 is a necessary update to help ensure that Georgia’s hunters always have access to quality public land.
HB 1349 has already passed the state House and is currently being considered by the Senate. We need your help to ensure the passage of this bill to protect our hunting heritage for future generations. Take a stand for your public lands by contacting your state senator through the form below!