We have been watching a handful of legislative bills that could impact public land access since the beginning of the year. HB2557 was amended to include the previously introduced HB2056 and HB2547 which would establish the Arizona Department of Public Land Management to provide for public land management by the state. It passed through committee and with a little luck and a loud voice from the hundreds of letters sent through our action alert on this bill, it will hopefully never make it back on the Senate floor for another vote. We also celebrated the passing of HB2271 which establishes the first Saturday in April as Public Lands Day in Arizona.
Water has always been an issue in our arid climate, so we were happy to join Audubon Arizona and the Arizona Congressional Delegation in supporting the Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Authorizing Act (HR 2030/S 1057). This plan should help reduce the risk of Lake Mead reaching catastrophically low levels and increase the likelihood of maintaining a flowing Colorado River.
Hopefully you have had a chance to get outside and volunteer with us on our OHV signage project this summer. We are continuing to work on new areas for these signs and need all the help we can get when we have a location that is in need.
We all hope to see you at the Sunrise 3D shoot this summer, as well as our inaugural dove hunt and cook off this September in Yuma!