RSVPs for this event are now closed. If you wish to cancel or RSVP last minute please contact event lead Abran Briseño.
NMBHA Makes Stream Access Stewardship a Priority
This spring through a partnership with the Lincoln National Forest we are executing stream access stewardship work including a Friday pint night, riparian habitat improvements, and a stream cleanup. This project will focus on educating public land and water users on thoughtful fishing recreation and how to be good stewards of our riparian and aquatic ecosystems and fisheries.
Join us as we improve riparian stream channels by installing beaver dam analogs (BDAs), post assisted log structures (PALS), and one-rock dams (ORDs) on Big Bear and Anan Creeks. This work is low-tech and USFS staff will provide a briefing on how to execute the work and will oversee work teams.
All are welcome to join us regardless of whether you hunt, fish or are a BHA member! Kids and well-mannered dogs may attend.
RSVPs are required so we can plan for additional food/beverages, campsites and are able to contact you in case of inclement weather or other factors that may require last minute changes or cancellation.
Volunteer Gas Stipends
We have five $25 gas stipends available for those who may find the cost of travel prohibitive to attending. Email NM BHA Treasurer Lance Miller after you RSVP at [email protected] to request a stipend (while supplies last).
Weekend Schedule
* If you plan to join for only Saturday or only Sunday, please notify our event lead Abran Briseño.
Friday, April 21:
Saturday, April 22:
*Most volunteers will work at Big Bear Creek this day with one group handling Anan Creek
Sunday, April 23:
Cedar Creek/Sam Tobias Memorial Group Campground - Unit 2. Cedar Creek is very close to Ruidoso and has potable water, restrooms, a large picnic shelter, unsheltered picnic tables, campfire rings, drinking water, and grills.
Gearing Up
Volunteers should plan to bring their own food and beverages for the weekend and a wild game dish or other potluck item if you’ll be at camp Saturday night. You’ll want a pair of sturdy work gloves that you are ok with getting wet, work boots, a small pack to carry lunch and extra clothes in case you get wet during a day with cool temps. We won’t be working in high flowing streams, but the USFS will have some waders to borrow or you can bring your own. We can use extra tools if you have them including loppers, spade shovels and foldable hand saws.
About the New Mexico Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is a non-partisan 501(c)3 seeking to ensure North America's outdoor heritage of hunting and fishing in a natural setting, through education and work on behalf of wild public lands, waters, and wildlife. Our New Mexico Chapter is run by a volunteer board of passionate public land owners that want to ensure future generations have access to the same incredible habitat and outdoor pasttimes that have enriched our lives.
Our freedom to hunt and fish depends on habitat. While many of us enjoy hunting and fishing on a range of landscapes, including farm fields and reservoirs, there is something special – even magical – about hunting deep in the backcountry or fishing on a remote river.