Our guest Bryan Christensen, DWR Dedicated Hunter and Walk-in Access Coordinator, will present on Walk-In Access in the state of Utah. This is a great opportunity to learn about access on private lands participating in the Walk-In Access program and ask a DWR official questions. We will also use this time to highlight UT BHA Chapter events, conservation efforts and policy work.
Fisher Brewing Company is 21+ and will card. Food truck will be available for hungry guests. Future all ages Stewards on Stage events are in the works so stay connect to BHA Utah to learn more!
This event is FREE and open to non-BHA members but please RSVP by Tuesday, July 9 to reserve your spot.
About the presenter: Bryan Christensen was born and raised in Utah. His ambitions and interests as a hunter and angler led him to a career with wildlife. Graduating with a degree in Environmental Studies for the University of Utah and a Master’s of Natural Resources Administration at Utah State University. Bryan kick started his career with Forestry, Fire, and State Lands, focusing on wild-lands brush crew. He spent 4 years working at Utah DWR, managing permit drawings and moved to a Volunteer Services Coordinator position before being prompted to the DWR State Coordinator for the Dedicated Hunter and Walk-in Access. Bryan is involved with creating the DWR’s displays for the State Fair and also designs and builds theatrical scenery for local theatres periodically. He is a father, husband, outdoors-man, and a dedicated steward, that enjoys working to provide unique hunting and fishing opportunities for the public.
BHA thanks Bryan and all our partners at the DWR for their time, hard-work, and dedication to conserving Utah's lands, waters, and wildlife.