We will be working to remove ½ mile of old woven wire sheep fence in and adjacent to priority deer and elk habitat on Forest Service land. We will meet Saturday morning at 8 am at the Forest Service Boundary on Dave Wood Rd. We can carpool from there to the worksite. Access to the worksite may require high clearance four-wheel drive vehicles. We will work to remove fence until around noon and break for lunch. Lunch will be provided by BHA (Sandwiches, chips, drinks). Work will continue after lunch and wrapping up around 5 pm.
We will meet Saturday morning at 8 am at the Forest Service Boundary on Dave Wood Rd. We can carpool from there to the worksite. Access to the worksite may require high clearance four-wheel drive vehicles.
N 38.301. W 107.964. Junction of Dave Wood Road and forest boundary approximately 15 miles SW of Montrose, CO. 81401
What to bring for the workday:
Leather gloves (BHA has gloves to lend), safety glasses (sunglasses are fine), and fence tools (pliers, post puller, etc) if you have them but not necessary. Plenty of water, sunscreen, bug spray, foul weather gear, and proper clothing for working outside and removing fence (jeans, boots, long-sleeve shirt).
All types of critters are impacted by wire fences. Woven wire fences like this one can even be deadly to mountain lions! Photo Courtesy of BHA member Milles Ellis.