Spring Bear Hunting to Continue in Oregon

Last week the Oregon Fish and Game Commission met to discuss big game hunting regulations for 2025 based on the recommendations of biologists from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Prior to this meeting, anti-hunting groups had been lobbying the Commission to eliminate the spring bear hunting season through form letters and public pressure. The Oregon Chapter of BHA and partner organizations rallied in response to this assault on science-based management and the North American Model of Conservation.

In just a few days, the Chapter sent 245 emails and a coalition letter from partner organizations in support of the Department's science-based recommendations for the 2025 hunting season. 

Oregon BHA would like to take a moment to thank the ODFW Commission and the Fur Bearer Coordinator for a long day of testimony while reviewing and maintaining the best available science and North American Wildlife Model.⁣ We also want to thank BHA's dedicated members and supporters for their many emails and important public testimony!⁣ And, a special thanks to Amy Patrick, Stan Steele, and Robbie Kroger for their in-person testimony and hard work before the meeting to engage and express the importance of the spring bear hunt in Oregon.

Your voices mattered! Take heart in the process and science-based management.⁣

Support our work on behalf of YOUR wild public lands, waters and wildlife!


Read the Letter

About Oregon BHA Chapter

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