Some of the best hunting and fishing habitat in NW Montana is found within public lands and river corridors managed by the Missoula Bureau of Land Management Field Office. If you've ever fished or floated the Blackfoot River from Ninemile Prairie to McNamara Bridge; hunted deep into the Hoodoo or Wales Creek Wilderness Study Areas; or visited Garnet Ghost Town with your family, then you've enjoyed some of the gems managed by the BLM Missoula Field Office.

And now, hunters and anglers have a chance to weigh in on how these lands and waters will be managed for the next twenty plus years.


Similar to the comment period happening now in the Lewistown area, the Missoula BLM Office is seeking comments on the area's Resource Management Plan (maps found here). Comments are due soon: August 15th!

Montana BHA has submitted our comments supporting Alternative C (found here), and we're now encouraged public land owners to take a few minutes to send in your own comments. While Montana BHA supports Alternative C, the BLM has communicated that their preferred option is Alternative B. We believe that the BLM's preferred alternative B can be improved to ensure protections for these important lands and waters. This requires your comments to show the BLM more support fore aspects of Alternative C. Make sure to get your comments in before August 15!


We recommend focusing on the following when drafting your comments:

- Share your experiences in these areas. What is it that you value about these places?
- Why do you think conservation of these places is important?
- What would you like the future of these places to look like?

Here are more tips on how to submit valuable comments.

Comments are due by August 15th.


Comments may be emailed to: [email protected] or submitted by mail to the following address:

RMP Comments
Bureau of Land Management Missoula Field Office
Missoula RMP
3255 Fort Missoula Road
Missoula, MT 59804


We appreciate you speaking up for YOUR public lands!





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About Kevin Farron

BHA's Regional Policy Manager (MT, ND, SD). Based in Missoula, MT

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