event_title: Small Game Hunt & Potluck
event_time_zone: America/Denver
event_start: May 18, 2019 06:00
event_duration: 360
event_end: May 18, 2019 12:00
event_address: 5969 FM 409, Telephone , TX 75488, United States
event_description: Hunters must obey all laws, including: hunter orange and Annual Public Hunting permit. Only open season is for Squirrels, Furbearers, Rabbits, & Hares. Lunch meetup up at Bois Darc trailhead and campground (approximate address : 5969 FM 409 Telephone, TX 75488. Please bring a wild game dish to share. Event begins at legal shooting light and ends around noon, after lunch. RSVP to Jesse Auer 817-925-0336Share the event on Facebook