event_title: Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge Clean-up with NM BHA
event_time_zone: America/Denver
event_start: August 31, 2019 08:00
event_duration: 240
event_end: August 31, 2019 12:00
event_address: Socorro, NM, United States
event_description: Take a few hours to clean-up the public lands you love! NM BHA is teaming up with Fish and Wildlife Service to help clean up the Rio Puerco Unit on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. This 590 acre area adjacent to the Rio Puerco has had litter build up over the years and we want to restore this beautiful piece of public land. We will start at a primary cleanup spot and depending on how we do we will then move to a secondary area. Each volunteer will receive a ticket for door prizes (BHA T-shirt or water bottle). Water, snacks and trash bags will be provided. Event is kid friendly with parents/guardian attendance. Bring work gloves, close toed shoes and a service-oriented attitude! Sevilleta Photo credit – Jeannine Kimble, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceEvent point person: Jeb Brown, jebulonhotmail.com, 505-290-2290 CARPOOL FROM ABQ: For folks wanting to carpool/caravan, meet at Sportsman’s Warehouse at 8 am: 1450 N Renaissance Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87107. Otherwise, meet at primary cleanup location. Directions to the primary clean-up location and adjacent parking is below and a map is posted in the event. DIRECTIONS TO PRIMARY CLEAN-UP LOCATION: Head south on I-25 from ABQ towards Bernardo, NM. Take a right over cattle guard after exiting I-25, proceed past RV park and over the Rio Puerco to the primary clean-up parking area.