South Dakota BHA Joins Missouri River Cleanup at Yankton

South Dakota BHA leaders and members joined the National Park Service for its 17th Missouri River Cleanup on May 6 in Yankton. Over 60 volunteers removed 1,560 pounds of litter and trash from along the river.

BHA members and volunteers worked with federal and state agencies, the City of Yankton, and local organizations on the event. The cleanup resulted in a healthier river ecosystem for fish and wildlife, as well as providing a better experience for all future recreators to the area. 

South Dakota BHA will be hosting another Missouri River Cleanup July 12th at Pierre-Fort Pierre in partnership with the Izaak Walton League with the Corps of Engineers, SD Game, Fish, and Parks, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and many local businesses and organizations. Click here for more info and to RSVP to that event. 

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