Join SC BHA and SCDNR to build Manufactured Wire Reefs for the SCORE program. Manufactured Wire Reefs (MWRs) are a new type of reef unit SCORE began implementing in 2020 comprised of a galvanized wire mesh that is cut and shaped by volunteers. MWRs are then filled with recycled oyster shell and coconut husk coir. The purpose of the SCORE program is to restore and enhance oyster habitat by planting recycled oyster shells in the intertidal environment to form new, self-sustaining oyster reefs. This community-based habitat restoration project is an important endeavor because oysters play a significant ecologic and economic role in South Carolina; however, oyster populations are declining. It is important for the community to understand how oysters improve water quality, control erosion, and provide habitat for other commercially-important shellfish and fish species by learning about their biology and the human activities that can influence their well being. Oysters are a keystone species in SC coastal waters, and these reefs provide critical habitat to restore them. Oysters are a vital component to clean waters, and the reefs help build living shorelines. Living shorelines are the best defense against erosion in our intertidal areas. They trap sediment, which gives plants like Spartina grass a place to grow, which then in turn increases intertidal area resilience to hurricanes by mitigating erosion and coastal flooding.
Representatives of SCORE will give us a detailed overview of the program as a whole, as well as provide more in depth information on the importance of oysters and oyster reefs to our region. We encourage volunteers to bring their families, as this event is a really great opportunity to make an impact in our area and learn more about how our waterways function. It is well suited for kids as young as 8, and there are opportunities to be engaged at every age group.
What it involves: Pneumatic air tools and wire benders are used to cut and shape wire. Recycled oyster shells are then shoveled into buckets and inserted into shaped wire.
Strenuous level: Medium; shoveling and carrying shell can be tiring, however this can be rotated with other volunteers.
It is recommended to wear clothes that can get dirty, as well as gloves to protect your hands. Some may be available from SCORE if needed, but not guaranteed. This event is entirely hands on, with immediately tangible results! We look foreword to seeing you there!
Please RSVP by MARCH 15