Earlier this month Rhode Island’s Land and Water Partnership hosted its 19th annual Conservation Summit in Kingston, RI to hold workshops and discussions on the state’s most pressing conservation and environmental challenges. This year’s summit workshop topics covered issues like climate change and resiliency, solar development and forest protection, offshore wind, and quite a bit more. Many of the workshop resources from this and previous year’s summit workshops are available in the L&W Partnership’s archive.
Because of considerable public interest and the ongoing policy conversation related to shoreline access in Rhode Island a panel was convened to discuss the issue’s history, current events, and next steps. As an active participant in shoreline policy discussions New England BHA Chapter Chair Michael Woods was invited to join the panel alongside David Prescott, South County Coastkeeper for Save the Bay, Janet Freedman, Senior Fellow at URI’s Coastal Institute, and RI Rep. Terri Cortvriend, Chairwoman of the 2021 Legislative Study Commission on Shoreline Access. More on each of the summit’s speakers can be found on here.
Watch the Panel Discussion Here
Pictured (from left to right) : Shoreline Access Panelists David Prescott,
Rep. Terri Cortvriend, Janet Freedman, Michael Woods