Recap: Western NY Allen Lake Trail Project

On June 1st volunteers from the New York Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers assisted NYS DEC West Almond Foresters with the construction of a new foot trail around Allen Lake. The trail begins near the ADA compliant fishing dock and traverses through many different forest cover types before looping back to the parking area. In total, the project added 1.5 miles of trail to the 2,421-acre state forest in Allegany County. Future projects for this trail include constructing spurs to the lake for additional fishing opportunities, adding trail puncheons through wet areas, and eventually connecting this loop to the Hidden Falls Trail. For more information about Allen Lake State Forest, visit Allen Lake State Forest - NYSDEC



About New York BHA

The New York Chapter is focused on bringing BHA's proven approach to conserving wild places and outdoor heritage to the Empire State. Join us to conserve our wilds!

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