North Americans enjoy the benefits of a public lands system unique the world over, jointly owning hundreds of millions of acres. These lands are free for you to roam, to hunt, to fish, to camp and to experience the wonders of the natural world. You are a public land owner. Celebrate it with one of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers’ unique Public Land Owner or Keep Public Lands in Public Hands t-shirts.
Though we are bestowed this wealth of land as a birthright, the health of our shared lands and waters – and our access to it – is threatened. From irresponsible development and obstructed access to the pressures of a technologically driven world, our public lands, waters and wildlife are being pushed to their limit.
Yet now, more than ever before, we need wild lands and waters: places to rekindle the fire at the heart of the human soul.
When you wear one of our t-shirts, you stand with close to 40,000 BHA members who are standing up for these places and for the outdoor opportunities they represent.