Pint Night with NMDGF Pronghorn Biologist Tony Opatz
July 21
Starting at 6pm
Rio Bravo Brewing Co.
Albuquerque , NM









31 Attending

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event_title: Pint Night with NMDGF Pronghorn Biologist Tony Opatz

event_time_zone: America/Denver

event_start: July 21, 2021 18:00

event_duration: 120

event_end: July 21, 2021 20:00

event_address: 1912 2nd St NW, Albuquerque , NM 87102, United States

event_description: The NM Chapter of Backcountry Hunter & Anglers will be hosting our first in-person Pint Night of 2021 with guest speaker NMDGF Pronghorn Antelope biologist Tony Opatz. Tony attended our recent Kiowa National Grasslands project to modify fencing and improve pronghorn movement. He will discuss pronghorn biology, habitat connectivity and be available for questions. We hope you and your family can join us!This event is kid friendly (parent must be present) and open to non-members. Additional Rio Bravo Parking access is just south off Haines Ave NW.* Photo by Board Member Felix Hernandez

Pint Night with NMDGF Pronghorn Biologist Tony Opatz

fence_mod.jpegThe NM Chapter of Backcountry Hunter & Anglers will be hosting our first in-person Pint Night of 2021 with guest speaker NMDGF Pronghorn Antelope biologist Tony Opatz. Tony attended our recent Kiowa National Grasslands project to modify fencing and improve pronghorn movement. He will discuss pronghorn biology, habitat connectivity and be available for questions. We hope you and your family can join us!

This event is kid friendly (parent must be present) and open to non-members. Additional Rio Bravo Parking access is just south off Haines Ave NW.

* Photo by Board Member Felix Hernandez

July 21, 2021 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Rio Bravo Brewing Co.
1912 2nd St NW
Albuquerque , NM 87102
United States
Google map and directions
Kelly Hampton, Engagement Coordinator ·
Laura Makarewicz Darrell Dinwiddie Nels Iverson Scott Carpenter Joe Corrigan Jessica Valdez Christian Prout Zoe Havlena Clifford Youngberg Mackenzie Best Brian Mileshosky Kelly Hampton Joel Gay Katie DeLorenzo Stephanie Walton-Filipczak Jennifer Black

Who's RSVPing

Laura Makarewicz
Darrell Dinwiddie
Nels Iverson
Scott Carpenter
Joe Corrigan
Jessica Valdez
Christian Prout
Zoe Havlena
Clifford Youngberg
Mackenzie Best
Brian Mileshosky
Kelly Hampton
Joel Gay
Katie DeLorenzo
Stephanie Walton-Filipczak
Jennifer Black

Will you come?