Petition: Support Expanded Public Access on Colorado State Trust Lands

Who's signing

Jerry Day
Ryan Pearson
Bradley Dawson
Mike & Josh Nelson
Jared Bloch
Kyle vistuba
Rob Suter
George Robinson
Stephen Wright
David Hartmann
Tyrel Woodward
Joe Halseth
Nick Arndt
Matt Carpenter
David Yowell
Jacob Lowenstein
Ashley Solum
Clee Sealing
David Diekmann
Donald Holmstrom
Nate Hale
Samuel Ramirez Jr
Samuel Ramirez Jr
Samuel Ramirez Jr
Daniel Bergh
Jesse Rothmeyer
John Carrier
Phil Harris
Thomas Duff
Chase Rylands
10,000 signatures

The state of Colorado currently provides public hunting and fishing access on a mere 16 percent of its state trust lands, or approximately 500,000 of 3 million acres. This represents the lowest level of public access offered on state trust land in any state in the West.

Of the other 84 percent, much of the best hunting and fishing is leased to the highest bidder for exclusive recreational access, locking out most sportsmen and women.

State lands were set aside for a specific purpose - to generate reasonable and consistent revenue for the support of Colorado public institutions. We believe that the expansion of recreational access on state trust lands will not only benefit hunters and anglers but that it can strengthen funding for the state.

It's important to note that access to state lands is dynamic and that we can lose access as current recreation leases expire. You can see recreation leases set to expire by September 2019 (approx 30,000 acres) here.

As hunting and fishing access is increasingly controlled by the wealthy and well-connected, public access only becomes more important. Lack of public access is the No. 1 reason hunters cite for giving up their sporting traditions. We can help reverse this trend by working to ensure that those of us who hunt and fish always have a place to recreate. 

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is working with Colorado Decision Makers to expand public access on Colorado’s state trust lands. We need your help. Sign this petition urging Colorado Decision Makers to work towards solutions to improve public access on Colorado’s state trust lands and help us demonstrate the importance of this issue to sportsmen and women in Colorado.

Will you sign?