Ohio BHA 2022 Recap

2022 was a time of change for Ohio BHA, as we continue to rebuild our ranks and host killer events across the state. Notable events included:
  • A successful pint night at Land Grant Brewery on January 20, 2022
  • The Flies 'n Beer tying night at the Little Miami Brewing Company, featuring a tying competition and raffle of an awesome fly rod combo.

The winner of the tying competition and cool poster!

                                                                 The extra safe winners of our intense paper, rock, scissors competition...

                                                    photobombed by someone who failed to heed the lessons of the Rub Some Dirt On It event


  • Alum Creek trail maintenance and pint night - Sept. 10
  • Jugging and Plugging - Sept. 17
  • Public lands day event in NE region - Sept. 24
    This event was a blast! We collaborated with Ohio Women On the Fly and fly tying and fishing expert Jerry Darkes to teach some new fly fishers the ropes, gave away some nice gear, and generally had a good time.

Expert fly tier and all-around good guy Jerry Darkes helpes some new tiers learn the ropes.


 BAILEYS TRAIL MAINTENANCE and Pint Night at Little Fish Brewing Co.- Oct 22-23

Board member Josh Keenan in the onsie delivers safety talk with Evan Siembida of Siembida Knives looks on


The Chapter has also been very active while hosting these awesome events. Here is some of the highlights:

  • The chapter conducted a positive membership drive through the Public Lands Month of September. 
  • OH BHA leaders have been watching all policy initiatives carefully and taking appropriate action.
  • Board Member Tony Ruffing was on Episode 91 of the Aptitude Outdoors Podcast speaking about Ohio outdoors and BHA
  • A successful raffle was hosted to give away a muzzeloader whitetail hunt that was donated to the chapter
  • Chapter Board Member Kyle Iwanicki has been using his design magic skills to create some awesome posters not only for the Ohio Chapter, but also for National BHA Events! 
  • The Ohio Chapter brought on Siembida Knives as a State Chapter Partner, giving away several of these works of art at several events.
    • Anyone that is interested in becoming an Ohio BHA State Partner should email [email protected] about their interest! 
  • The OH Chapter donated a 2023 Turkey Hunt to the 2022 Fall Online Auction. Board members will be providing the auction winner with a unique experience next spring! 
  • The Ohio Chapter will be hosting a 2023 Strategic Planning session just after the first of the year!



The Ohio Chapter of the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers plans to take on 2023 with progress and devotion to OH public lands! There will be some fantastic events throughout the state including a LARGE National event (more info to come soon)!! 

Please reach out to the chapter via social media or at [email protected] for questions, suggestions, concerns, and/or comments! Want to get involved with us? Let us know!! 

Our chapters can't do this great work without our members and volunteers! Our strength is in our numbers whether we are performing grass roots volunteer services or advocating for public lands and waters on the political front, we need you with us! If you're not a member or need to renew, please CLICK HERE to stand with us in keeping public lands accessible, safe, and healthy!


About Jameson Hibbs

I am a Chapter Coordinator for the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers covering several of our awesome state chapters. I reside in Kentucky with my wife and daughter and we are all avid users of public lands for all outdoor recreational opportunities!

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