NY September Newsletter

Update from Chapter Chair

We are only a few weeks out from big game season opener (in some places already open).   I have been out a few times already chasing early geese and squirrels. I have also been fine tuning my climbing system and archery to make sure I am ready! If you are feeling like you need a little extra practice with a bow and are in Western NY, check out our upcoming archery event below.  I want to again remind folks of the change in license/tags from DEC this year (see more on those details below).  

Finally, I want to ask all of you to make sure your BHA membership is up to date and hasn’t lapsed.   We need your membership to help fund all the work that BHA does in NY and across the country.  If you renew your membership between now and October 6th, you will be entered into a weekly raffle to win a gun as well as a raffle for a grand prize with some amazing camping gear and a topper for your truck! 

Good luck out there this season! I again want to encourage you all to please tag and follow us on social media, join us at Pint Nights and conservation stewardship events, let your legislators hear from you about proposed bills impacting hunters and anglers, and make sure your BHA membership is current! Get out there and enjoy your NY public lands and waters!


Greg Whalin - NY BHA Chapter Chair 

Chapter News from September


East Otto State Forest Trash Pack Out - East Otto State Forest

On August 18th, Western NY BHA members got together on East Otto State Forest for a public land trash pack-out. Members collected two pickup trucks worth of trash from camp sites and ditches along Kiedeman Forest Road and Traffic Street before finishing the day with some dogs, burgers and chatter about the upcoming hunting seasons. We barely made a dent though, folks! Keep an eye out for our next pack-out where we'll bring some more tools and really tackle "the range" where other public landowners have been getting ready for gun season for years... and not cleaning up after themselves.


NY Annual Saratoga Sand Plains Public Archery Range Shoot - Saratoga County

We had a great time again this year at the Saratoga Sand Plains Wildlife Management Area Public Archery Range. We had a few return from last year and some new guests this year join us to shoot bows and chat all things BHA. Todd Mead, a pro shooter for PSE and author showed up and offered some great advice to help us improve our form. Thank you Todd! Colin from Black Dog Outdoor Sports stopped by as well.


Conservation Cooperative Podcast

This episode, we’re diving into the world of brook trout - how they’re being affected by our changing climate, and what that means for the future. We are also going to take some time to appreciate this incredible species. Ongoing research here in the Northeast is revealing some amazing insights into the resilience and adaptability of these beloved fish. 
Guests Include
Adam Kautza. Coldwater Fishery Resource Project Leader. MassWildlife. 
Stephen Jane, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Fellow. University of Notre Dame
Benjamin Letcher, Ph.D. Ecologist. USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center.

Upcoming Events


Western NY Archery Shoot, September 21 @ 11am

You're itching for the first day of October and that first morning in a tree. But are you REALLY ready?  Have you put in the work all summer? The time in the woods scouting? The time in the backyard slinging arrows till you're confident at ranges beyond what you actually plan on shooting at a real, live deer? If those questions give you pause... even if they don't... come join your Western NY BHA friends and family for a final tune up before opening day. We'll be holding a 3D Archery shoot at Dobbins Memorial State Forest on Saturday, September 21st from 11am to whenever we all feel like leaving. Details and RSVP at link below

Western NY Archery Shoot - RSVP Here!


Common Roots Brewing Public Lands Celebration Sponsored by onX, Sep 26 @ 6pm

Celebrate with us at the Common Roots Flagship!! September is Public Lands Month and we will be celebrating across the country and even here in South Glens Falls, NY. The Common Roots Brewing Company Flagship is hosting us to celebrate Public Lands Month and also a birthday, of sorts.  Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is 20 this year and although the NY Chapter isn't that old we did hold our first ever Pint Night at Common Roots back in 2017.  Former chair, Todd Waldron will be on hand to talk about the early days of the NY Chapter among other topics.  We will also chat all things BHA, future events, Adirondacks, legislative topics, etc. There will be a chance to win a cool prize from Irish Setter Boots. As are all of our Pint Nights, this will be a casual, fun way to meet fellow hunters and anglers, swap stories and learn about BHA and our mission to conserve public lands and waters. BHA members advocate for public hunting and fishing and we work to maintain and improve access to places to hunt and fish. We also speak up for wildlife, guided by the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Finally, we believe in and advocate for fair chase in pursuit of fish and game. If those ideals resonate with you, please come join us to learn more and maybe become part of BHA. This event is open to all and is nationally sponsored by our friends at onX Hunt, who will provide a free, one-year OnX Single State Premium Membership for the first 15 attendees who initiate or renew a BHA membership at this event. RSVP at the link below!

Common Roots Brewing Public Lands Celebration Pint Night - RSVP Here


NY DMP Tags Available

Reminder to NY deer hunters that deer management permits (DMPs) are available anywhere you purchase a hunting license until Oct1st. More important than drawing a tag is filling them!  The 2023 antlerless harvest in NY was 15 percent below the five-year average. Let's step up as hunters and embrace the role we play as conservationists. We know that harvesting antlerless deer provides both ecological and societal benefits as well as wonderful table fare. Do your part and fill your DMPs!


NY Hunting Season Opener - September/October

New York’s hunting season will open September 1st across the state with big game seasons opening up later in the month. For those that are unaware, DEC has moved to a new license system, where instead of having your license and tags mailed to you, you will instead need to either print them out or go to a license issuing agent to have them printed for you. They will not be mailing them to you this year (with some exceptions for lifetime license holders). In addition to this change, you will no longer need to wear a back tag going forward.  More details about this change can be found at this FAQ. This season’s hunting regs (with BHA board members on the cover at one of our mentor hunts last year!) are available on the DEC website.

Legislative / Policy Update


Legislative Updates

The legislative session for 2024 has wrapped for the year.


DEC Updates


Unit/Recreation Management Plans and Proposals - DEC regularly seeks public input as they work to manage our public lands. While they will regularly receive input from other groups, often hunters and anglers are fairly silent. It directly benefits the hunting and angling communities for you to take a look at these plans and voice your feedback directly to DEC.   They do listen to your input and in the past, our voices have resulted in wins for hunters and anglers. Current plans open for feedback include:


Region 8

NY BHA Call for Volunteers

We need your help!  We are looking for volunteers to help with the following efforts.


  • Regional Event Coordinators - Want to help us plan gatherings for your fellow NY BHA members?  We need help with local Pint Nights as well as other NY events. 
  • Policy and Legislative work - Our Policy team and newly forming Legislative team needs passionate folks to jump in and help us do the important work to protect our public lands and access for hunters and anglers!
  • Mentorship work - We want to build a list of folks in the state who are open to being mentors for new hunters and anglers. We have opportunities and need for folks who can give a little all the way up to folks who want to really invest a lot.  Everything from answering questions to being a one on one coach to participating on our larger weekend long hunt camps for new hunters.
  • Conservation work - We are working with DEC to have more opportunities for events to do quality habitat work on our public lands. Want to roll your sleeves up and help, we would love to have you!


If you are interested in volunteering a bit of your time and talents, please let us know by filling out and submitting this form.

How to Connect with Us

Here are a few ways you can keep in touch with the New York BHA chapter:


Stay up to date with events and blogs from New York on our BHA web page at New York Backcountry Hunters & Anglers.  


Join our Facebook group at New York BHA on Facebook

Follow us on Instagram New York BHA (@newyorkbha).

Contact the Chapter Board by email: [email protected]

Thank our sponsors: New York BHA Corporate Sponsors

Join us at an upcoming event: NY BHA Events

Signup to be a volunteer: NY BHA Volunteer


Last but not least, make sure your BHA membership is current and give the gift of BHA to a friend or family member!

About New York BHA

The New York Chapter is focused on bringing BHA's proven approach to conserving wild places and outdoor heritage to the Empire State. Join us to conserve our wilds!

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