To the Nevada State Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining:
Assembly members Daly, Aizley, Carrillo, Cohen, Healy, Swank, Anderson, Ellison, Hansen,
Livermore and Wheeler
Re: AB 396 (Stream/lake public recreation access)
From: Karen Boeger, Board member, NV Chapter Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA)
March 27, 2013
Dear committee members,
I am writing to express my unqualified support for AB 396 because it will strengthen and clarify public trust law concerning the right to access navigable waters (at or below high water lines) in Nevada for recreation purposes.
Nevada is blessed with more public land than any other state outside of Alaska. Our Backcountry Hunters and Anglers members recognize, value and work to protect the opportunities public lands provide for our traditional forms of recreation and for healthy wildlife habitat.
Sadly, Nevada has very few rivers, lakes and streams to provide opportunities for our angler members and families who enjoy recreating on or beside water. The passage of this bill will assure the protection of these treasured scarce opportunities, long into the future, while protecting private property rights above the high water line.
For at least 2 centuries, water has been recognized to be of intrinsic value to each individual and to society and, thus, it's use required to be compatible with public interests. The Public Trust Doctrine has been a codified ethic of our Western civilization since Roman Empire times, restated in England's Magna Carta and reaffirmed by American colonists in the Colonial Ordinance of 1641.
Please pass AB 396 as written to strengthen and clarify our existing Public Trust Doctrine. It is the right thing to do to preserve our future recreation opportunities and rights.
Thank you for your consideration of my comments,
Karen Boeger