The New Mexico chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is united by a passion to safeguard the public lands and waters that support our hunting and angling traditions and enrich our lives. We believe the right to access flowing water shouldn’t be determined by the size of your bank account or the deed you hold to a piece of trophy land. After all, the fish that live in America’s rivers and streams belongs to all of us – and in most states, the water does too.
Our members know that rivers, streams and outdoor experiences are as vital to our health and happiness as the air we breathe. The right of public to access public waters (so long as users do not trespass on private land) is clearly outlined in our state constitution. Yet for decades, landowners have closed portions of the Pecos, Rio Chama and other streams with the support of NMDGF. We believe this question of whether landowners and NMDGF can prohibit access to a public resource is a major issue for New Mexico hunters, anglers, boaters and other members of the public.
For that reason on March 13, NM BHA joined the Adobe Whitewater Club and New Mexico Wildlife Federation in a lawsuit that, we believe, will settle once and for all the question of stream access. It asks the state Supreme Court to strike down regulations approved by the State Game Commission in 2017, because the regulations permit landowners to block the public from using streams that run through their property. We argue the regulation violates the state constitution. To read more about stream access in New Mexico, our reasons for filing the lawsuit and what might come next, check out the overview, FAQs and history of public waters access.
It's important to note that in addition to affirming access we are equally committed to ensuring the long-term health of New Mexico's aquatic habitats and fisheries for future generations. Should our right to public access be affirmed and maintained, we will be fully committed to working with a diverse group of stakeholders to find solutions that honor the resource, educate the public on wise use practices and balance public and private property rights.
All funds raised will directly fund the existing stream access lawsuit before the New Mexico Supreme Court. Our attorneys are acting pro bono, but plaintiffs are sharing the court costs such as filing fees, copying fees and the like. If we raise more than we spend, we have an agreement in place to spend the excess only on initiatives that pertain to stream access.
100 Tickets Total for Winner's Choice Raffle
Tickets- $20 each
Drawings will occur once 100 tickets are sold. There is no limit on how many tickets you can buy.
The winner of the main raffle may choose any prize off the Reeds board. The bonus giveaway winner will receive a Stone Glacier duffel.
To purchase tickets contact SW BHA Chapter Coordinator Katie DeLorenzo
(505) 410-6284 [email protected] (phone calls are preferred)
Every $60 spent earns you one free entry to win a Stone Glacier Stol 4000 duffel bag.