event_title: NM BHA Annual Member Meeting & Christmas Party
event_time_zone: America/Denver
event_start: December 05, 2019 18:00
event_duration: 120
event_end: December 05, 2019 20:00
event_address: 1912 2nd St, Albuquerque, NM 87102, United States
event_description: Join us to recap public land successes for 2019 and provide feedback for next years chapter efforts. We will be recognizing several standout volunteers, recapping 2019 chapters efforts and discussing goals for next year. The first beer is on us and well have door prizes! Event is also family friendly and food is available for purchase from Rio Bravo. All of the above, plus a special treat: live acoustic blues and folk music, compliments of BHA member Chuck Houston and Jimmy Abraham. Theyll be playing from 6 p.m. on, and Chuck says he has a couple of tunes picked out for the hunting and fishing crowd. See you there, Thursday night at Rio Bravo! Share Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/539536860234801/
Join us to recap public land successes for 2019 and provide feedback for next year's chapter efforts. We will be recognizing several standout volunteers, recapping 2019 chapters efforts and discussing goals for next year. The first beer is on us and we'll have door prizes! Event is also family friendly and food is available for purchase from Rio Bravo.
All of the above, plus a special treat: live acoustic blues and folk music, compliments of BHA member Chuck Houston and Jimmy Abraham. They'll be playing from 6 p.m. on, and Chuck says he has a couple of tunes picked out for the hunting and fishing crowd. See you there, Thursday night at Rio Bravo!