New York Spring Fling Pint Night
April 1
Starting at 6pm
West Kill Supply
Kingston, NY









6 Attending

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event_title: New York Spring Fling Pint Night

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: April 01, 2023 18:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: April 01, 2023 21:00

event_address: 602 Broadway Unit 2, Unit 2, Kingston, NY 12401, United States

event_description: Shake off the cabin fever! Come see your old hunting and fishing buddies-  or make news ones- at New York BHA’s Spring Fling Pint Night at the new West Kill Supply in Kingston, NY. Fish the Trout Season opener on the local & fabled Esopus Creek and then come wet your whistle with us later that evening. Bring your stories of that lunker who broke off your line just before you got ‘em to the net or last fall’s Big Buck who missed your arrow by just a step and of course, an appetite for good beer.  Meet and greet fellow public land advocates in your region and beyond.

New York Spring Fling Pint Night

Shake off the cabin fever! Come see your old hunting and fishing buddies-  or make news ones- at New York BHA’s Spring Fling Pint Night at the new West Kill Supply in Kingston, NY. Fish the Trout Season opener on the local & fabled Esopus Creek and then come wet your whistle with us later that evening. Bring your stories of that lunker who broke off your line just before you got ‘em to the net or last fall’s Big Buck who missed your arrow by just a step and of course, an appetite for good beer.  Meet and greet fellow public land advocates in your region and beyond.

April 01, 2023 at 6:00pm - 9pm
West Kill Supply
602 Broadway Unit 2
Unit 2
Kingston, NY 12401
United States
Google map and directions
Christa Whiteman ·
John Bohuniek Sean Morley Ryan Masse

Who's RSVPing

John Bohuniek
Sean Morley
Ryan Masse
Gregory Whalin

Will you come?