New Mexico BHA

New Mexico BHA

New Mexico has done an incredible job of educating the public on stream access and, along with support from HQ, is working to reaffirm the public's right to public waters through the state supreme court. In addition, new board members have stepped up to submit comments on the Gila National Forest draft plan, Bitter Lake NWR hunt plan and Bosque del Apache NWR hunt plan. The team also recently launched an Access Watch program to task local members with monitoring county commission meeting agendas for undesired road closures. The NM chapter's body of policy work is impressive and growing by the minute. Thanks to engaged grassroots leaders, NM BHA's clout has grown considerably over the last two years and the chapter board is considered a key stakeholder within the hunting community. 

The chapter will receive a Traeger Tailgater for their hard work!

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