Your input is crucial to a successful 2025 New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan. Let your voice be heard and help to protect New Hampshire’s wildlife and wild places by taking the Wildlife Action Plan revision survey! LINK HERE or scan the QR code below! Act before November 30th!
The Nongame and Endangered Species Program, in collaboration with other divisions within the Department, and other state agencies and organizations, has been working on the 10-year update of the New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan. The Wildlife Action Plan is a blueprint for conservation in the state, helping NHFG and its many partners to prioritize conservation projects and work towards NH’s most important wildlife conservation goals.
The 2025 Wildlife Action Plan update provides New Hampshire Fish and Game Department the opportunity to collaborate with its partners and engage the public as they work to identify new, up-to-date conservation actions and tools.
Once completed in the fall of 2025, the NHSWAP will include detailed maps of priority habitats across the state, comprehensive profiles of over 100 New Hampshire species, and 28 unique habitat descriptions, creating a conservation blueprint intended for all who have a role in wildlife and habitat conservation in New Hampshire. Be part of the update process by participating in the Wildlife Action Plan Revision Survey today, and thank you!
To learn more about the NHSWAP and to take the survey, visit
To learn more about the Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program, visit